Programme for 19th May CLIC Collaboration Meeting |
Meeting room: Building 60 - 6th floor Conference Room
09:00 | R. Aymar (CERN DG and Chairman for the day) |
Welcome and introduction | |
Overview of CLIC accelerated R&D programme | |
Collaboration organisation | |
09:45 | CTF3 status and plans (G. Geschonke) |
10:15 | Coffee |
10:45 | Overview of work packages questions and answers |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:45 | Visit (3 groups to 3 different locations) |
CTF3 | |
Klystron gallery | |
CLIC activities (Bldg 169) | |
14:45 | Statements by delegates and lab directors |
15:30 | Coffee |
16:00 | General discussion session |
Summary of contributions received to date | |
16:45 | Closing remarks |